

Trademark registration in India protects the unique identity of the brand. The Directorate General for the Control of Patents, Designs and Trademarks oversees this. It includes the logo, slogan or name of a company. This process includes filing an application with the Trademark Registry, verification of uniqueness and publication in the Trademark Journal. In the absence of objections, the trademark will be registered. This provides ten years of renewable, protection. This ensures brand value and recognition.

Documents Required for Trademark Registration Online India

Initially, you have to provide us with the following details:

1) Applicant’s name

2) Business type

3) Business objectives

4) Brand/logo/slogan name

5) Registration address

The documents required are:

1) Signed Form-48

2) Identification proof of the signatory

3) Address proof of the signatory

4) Business proof (depends on the type of business)

5) Udyog Aadhar/MSME registration certificate (optional).

Benefits of Trademark Registration in India

Exclusive use rights

One of the main benefits of trademark registration is that it grants exclusive rights to the trademark. The trademark owner can apply the same thing to all products or goods belonging to the group he has registered. Trademark registration provides the exclusive right to take legal action against third parties who use similar or identical trademarks without permission for their products.

Create goodwill

Another benefit of registering a trademark is that it helps establish goodwill and trust in the brand. Brand reputation increases as it becomes popular with customers. This helps create loyal and regular customers who recognize the brand's products or goods and choose the same. A brand with a good reputation and goodwill can also help raise capital from financial institutions.

Make a difference for products and services

Trademarks aim to differentiate goods and services from competitors and create a brand identity. Trademark registration facilitates the marketing or sale of a product or service with a unique brand identity, in accordance with market requirements. Brand identity communicates the quality, vision and several other characteristics of a company's products and makes it unique to customers.

Product quality assurance

Trademark registration ensures the quality of the product(s). Customers associate product quality with the brand. This creates an image of quality of a particular brand in the market, which helps attract new customers. Therefore, customers buy products with famous brands in the market.

Help create content

Trademarks are the intellectual property of a company. Therefore, the brand is the property of the company. A registered trademark gives the owner the right to sell, transfer, franchise or otherwise use the trademark for commercial purposes, thereby providing a potential source of income.

Use the symbol Ⓡ

Once a trademark is registered, the trademark owner can use the Ⓡ symbol on the logo. The Ⓡ symbol indicates to third parties that the trademark is registered and that they cannot use the trademark without permission. It ensures that customers can be sure that the brand's products or goods are original, high-quality products.

Protection Against Infringement

When a third party uses a registered trademark for their products or goods without the owner's permission, it is an infringement. This means that if a third party infringes a registered trademark, the trademark owner has the right to sue them for infringement.

Ten years protection

Trademark registration is valid for ten years. Once registered, it cannot be used illegally by third parties for ten years. This allows the brand to be protected for ten years in a cost-effective manner.

Register a global trademark

Once a trademark is registered in India, it is not granted worldwide registration. However, Indian trademark registration can be used as a basis for an international trademark application. When a trademark is registered internationally, i.e. registered in a foreign country, a third party cannot use the trademark in that foreign country and establish its uniqueness and distinctiveness in the global market .

Attract customers

Customers often choose products and goods with famous brands. Products or goods with popular brands are trusted by customers for their quality and origin. This creates a positive image of the company. It attracts many customers, contributing to promoting business development.


As soon as you submit your application and receive confirmation of receipt, you can use the ™ symbol. Once the registration process is complete, you can use the ® symboll.

You may not understand, but all is not lost. Instead, you can design a unique logo for your business and include your name in it. So there is a way out, but it's better to have a unique name.

It depends entirely on the judgment of the government. But if it is unique then it is very likely to be granted.

Approval of your trademark can take from 6 months to 1 year. However, we can register and start using the ™ symbol in a few days if we can receive all the details and documents as soon as possible.

To get a trademark certificate online, you can contact us. We complete the entire process with ease. If you need to file manually, visit the official website of the Trademark Registry and apply. You can apply for registration either through a trademark agent. Once an application is submitted, you can track its status online and respond to any objections raised by the Trademark Registry. If there are no objections, the trademark will be registered and a registration certificate will be issued to you./p>