
We are a Company developed to help fulfil your dreams with great Investment Partners. Today, many business Ideas doesn’t grow as they lack of ample funds. We are the only and Fastest Growing Company in India to help you get your Business Ideas Funded with loads of Investors. Getting Bank Loans in initial stage creates high leveraged funds for company which doesn’t allow company to grow. We help you become a debt free company and grow our Investors portfolio.

We have emerged from a small office in Pune, India in 2009. The initial start of company was with the Debt funding and later on we started providing Equity Investors. We have already helped more than 100 companies gain the Equity funding and all the companies are today working at multinational level.

We have worked in fields of providing Investors to Restaurants, Manufacturing Units, Electric Vehicle companies, Upcoming Information Technologies Ideas and many such other businesses. Our team consists of a Technical and Financial Professionals, working with a true and dedicated intent.